New Leopard Prepares to Strike

The success of the Great Brick Safari has sparked a further foray into the world of wild animals for Bright Bricks; a brand new touring show, Big Cats, featuring a host of ferocious felines, not least of all an impressive, resting leopard.

This diorama is truly unique, and one of Bright Bricks’ most memorable animal builds to date. On its own, this leopard would no doubt be impressive, but the addition of the broad tree trunk, from which the leopard’s perch protrudes, creates an immersive scene unlike any other in the company portfolio. The whole model, totalling 87,800 individual pieces, took 500 builder hours and no small amount of skill to build.

Leopards are among the most recognisable big cats on the planet, listed with lions, tigers, jaguars and cheetahs as the “big five” felines. These fearsome felines and more - a family of caracals, tiger cubs, and a lynx among them - will join the sleeping leopard in Bright Bricks’ new touring show, Big Cats, set to debut later this year.

Words and photos by Bright Bricks.